Rights Now Foundation

Workshop about children rights, CJC – Lebanon


Project: Children of Al-Jalil Center (CJC), Baalbek – Libanon
Reported: January – February, 2016

Al-Jalil Center (CJC), provides support for Syrian children who receive daily schooling and weekly activities at the CJC. During January – February 2016, 246 children aged 6-14 years, came to CJC, to participate in our training programs. At the start 73 of the children could either read or write.

The children come to the center to study Monday – Thursday, their focus is to study:
– Mathematics.
– Arabic.s
– English.
– Computers / Programming.

Also – psychosocial activities (games, drawing, crafts, etc.) are included for all children every Friday and Saturday. We also conducted workshops on children’s rights for the children to understand and know more about their rights.
Children of Al-Jalil Center is supported by Rights Now, enabling the organization to sustain the activities for the children who are refugees from Syria. Among other contributors is: OXFAM.