Rights Now Foundation


Each year – a new Theme!

Each year the Rights Now foundation selects a theme that highlights our current priority. To qualify, all projects and applications should relate to this particular theme, in addition to the foundation’s overall vision and objectives. Only projects and applications that fall within the stated theme of the application period will be considered by the foundation.

The theme for the current (or relevant) application period is:

This year’s theme 2024

Rights Now aims to ensure that all people’s human rights are met and to promote equal health for all. This year’s call focuses on the UN’s Global Goal number 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Everyone, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic status, should have the conditions for good health. Unfortunately, conditions vary for different groups, which can have serious consequences for people’s health and well-being.

Projects within the area of Good Health and Well-being that may be relevant for funding can, for example, address:

Living conditions affecting health and life expectancy
“Women with low socioeconomic status, measured by short education, have experienced a negative trend contrary to other groups. In this group, life expectancy has even decreased. At the same time, their economic standard has also declined, which can impact the health of them and their children in the future.”

Mental ill-health among young men
“For the whole of Europe, the suicide rate was 17 for men and 4 for women.”

Read more: Suicide in the World — Public Health Agency of Sweden

Limited opportunities for people with disabilities lead to generally poorer health
“Studies have shown that people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden, among other things, have an increased vulnerability to many diseases compared to the rest of the population. Mental ill-health is about two to three times higher in people with intellectual disabilities compared to the entire population.”

Read more: Trapped in Poverty — FUB

The application period starts on July 1th.
Describe in the application how your project is connected to goal 3 of the UN’s global sustainability goals.

The Decision

The decision regarding grant funding is made in January each year.