The Rights Now Foundation has limited capacity to answer questions promptly. Please find answers to frequent questions below.
What kind of organizations and projects do you support?
Please find information about organizations and projects supported by the Rights Now foundation on the website.
Note that all projects supported are implemented by non-profit organizations and that education, training and awareness raising normally forms a central component of any project. We may also allocate grants for, for example, meals, education materials, fees, venues and transport – as these may promote knowledge sharing, participation and learning.
Can a project or activity supported by the Rights Now foundation be implemented anywhere in the world?
Yes. We support projects worldwide. All projects must however fulfil the foundation’s criteria for receiving grant funding.
We have a project that isn’t active yet – can we apply for support?
Yes of course!
How much funding can we expect from Rights Now? What is a normal grant size?
Grants from the Rights Now Foundation vary in size – normally somewhere between 25 000 – 300 000 Swedish crowns, depending on project size and content (corresponding to approximately 3 000 – 35 000 USD per project).
When are decisions made about applications?
The Rights Now foundation’s review process is normally completed in January each year. All applicant organizations will receive an answer, whether grants have been allocated or not.
How does the application process work?
To apply for a grant please fill in the application form available on this website (see link, which is available during the application period). After the application period ends on 30 September, the board will review all applications and decide which project or activity to support.
When are notices concerning decisions sent out?
Decisions regarding grants are normally made in January each year. All applicant organizations will receive an answer, often in January/February, whether grants have been allocated or not.
Important: The contact information submitted must be correct for us to be able to communicate with you.
When will we be able to receive the grant, in case the application is approved?
On the condition that all necessary information has been submitted to the foundation and that the grant letter has been signed and returned to us, grants can normally be transferred to the organization in February.
Can the same organization send in multiple applications?
Yes. However, each project or activity has to be described separately in its own application form.
Can I send a request for grants via e-mail?
Please use the application form on this website, which is available during the application period, from 1 July to 30 September.
In case you encounter practical problems with sending in the application via this website, please contact us:
Further questions?
You are most welcome to contact us via e-mail:
We reply as soon as possible and look forward to your application!