Rights Now Foundation

Advice and counselling to Afghan migrants, Afghanistan

As part of the project AMASO provided advice and counselling to migrants. They report:With the help of this project, we were able to run AMASO smoothly and help at least 50 deportees and 10 returnees, voluntary mostly with first hand advice post deportation to Afghanistan.” The advice often related to the type of practical support that was available for them in Afghanistan. “The process is a little complicated, but a little advice makes it easier for the deportees.”

AMASO also writes in their report: “Several others received support by the project to take Swedish classes. Some of them were those who are in the process of going back to Sweden through working visa, or have already reached Sweden. The others mainly chose to take English language classes, very efficient and affective for many of them. One of the beneficiaries has almost finished his English language courses and will soon get to advance level. According to him; “The opportunity provided by AMASO to learn the English language has been life changing for me. I was hopeless and left alone when I was deported, no one from the Afghan government or NGOs helped me.”

Films to promote social sustainability and to increase the awareness of human rights, Sweden

The organization ARF, Film and Culture for Human Rights, works to make Sweden more socially sustainable.

ARF reaches out to school children and the public through films on relevant themes, always accompanied by dialogue and discussions after the film sessions. The films which are shown by ARF highlight themes such as racism, social justice, minorities, democracy, housing and ethnic segregation.

During 2020, a total of nearly two thousand persons – pupils, teachers and others – participated in the activities arranged by ARF, according to the project report. This was made possible in part thanks to the grant from the Rights Now foundation.

Math education to villagers and farmers, Togo

The organization ALEF, Adult Learning and Empowerment Facilitators, supports people living in poverty by education and training.

The grant from the Rights Now foundation was used to provide math lessons for people in villages in Togo in Africa. 70 study groups were formed at the village level for the purpose of learning math and discussing related matters. During 2020, a total of 1 400 persons between 15 to 40 years of age participated in the study groups. 74 percent of the participants were women.

According to ALEF, basic skills in mathematics are of great value to the people – in order to better run their agriculture farms and increase harvests. Knowledge in math has the potential to generate better income opportunities, and can thus be empowering and eventually lead to reduced poverty.

Support to adolescent refugees at risk, Sweden

The organization FARR provides support to refugees arriving in Sweden. The grant from the Rights Now foundation was used for the benefit of adolescents arriving alone to the country, without any family members or relatives. They in particular have been shown to face difficulties and risks. FARR offered them advise and information about their rights, about the asylum process and how the legal system works.

Support to Swedish-Afghan migrants in France

The organization Les Amis des Migrants Suédophones en France used the funds from the Rights Now foundation to support Swedish speaking afghan migrants in France. Asylum seekers received information about practical matters and the organization also made efforts to increase awareness among the public about the problematic situation of the migrants. Funds were used to develop the website with facts and testimonies from the migrants themselves (www.lamsf.fr). The website presents valuable and useful information in Swedish, French and Dari.