Rights Now Foundation

Helamalmö – ‘The Great Encounter’

The project “The Great Encounter” was aimed at primary school children in areas facing social and economic challenges. The children wrote short autobiographical texts on the theme “This I Will Never Forget” and then illustrated each other’s stories. With the help of authors, artists, and a designer, they created a picture book, which was showcased in a public exhibition. The goal was for the children to have the opportunity to understand and share each other’s life experiences, fostering empathy and a sense of community.

The project was initiated by Marit Törnqvist in Amsterdam and was recently conducted as a pilot project in Nydala, Malmö. The participating children wrote about impactful memories, such as illness, divorce, and displacement, which sparked curiosity and recognition among others. The project consisted of about ten sessions where students were supported by authors and artists to express their memories through text and imagery. The picture book, featuring the children’s texts and illustrations, was then shared with local libraries, and a traveling exhibition was planned to reach more schools and communities across Sweden.

In addition to encouraging creativity and connection, the project aimed to reduce segregation and polarization. By offering children and adults from other parts of society a glimpse into what it’s like to grow up in a disadvantaged environment, the initiators now hope that the project can expand and be implemented in more schools and cities in the future.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

Mother Society – Income and Empowering Rural girls and Women in Poverty

Computer literacy has become almost an essential skill to meet human needs and remain competitive in the job market. Technology has also started making its way into rural India, where computers are now utilized in many areas. In response to this development, MOTHER SOCIETY, a humanitarian organization, implemented the project “Income and Empowering Rural Girls and Women in Poverty to Self-Sufficiency through Advanced Computer Education and Job Skills.” This project provided advanced computer training to 30 young women in Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, in partnership with the Rights Now Foundation. The aim of the project was to equip rural women with professional skills to enhance their employment prospects and support self-sufficiency.

“We want to thank you along with these 30 girls and women for making this advanced computer skill training program a successful one that helps 30 aspiring young persons to settle in life. We remain thankful to your esteemed organization continuously down in our hearts and lives along with our family members. Thank you for transforming our lives.

With all best wishes.

MOTHER SOCIETY along with 30 girls and young mothers.”

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

PCI – Women inclusion for social economic empowerment

Push Community Initiative (PCI), with support from the Rights Now Foundation, implemented the “Women Inclusion for Social Economic Empowerment (WISE)” project in the Mbale district of Uganda. The project targeted vulnerable rural women and girls and focused on beekeeping as a way to create income and reduce poverty. Participants received training and equipment to manage the entire beekeeping value chain – from site selection and hive management to honey harvesting and marketing. Local residents were also involved in the work, such as building beehives and selling honey, which created job opportunities.

Through the project, women and girls increased their incomes and strengthened their roles within their households. Issues related to human rights and gender equality were also addressed. PCI collaborated with local leaders and organizations to advance the project and tackle challenges like climate change and staff turnover. Despite certain obstacles, such as a lack of funding for Api-tourism and research, as well as the impact of extreme heat, the project succeeded in contributing to sustainable development and social change within the community.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

Image 1: On the left is Mr. Wilson Kabagambe, a honeybee consultant from Nakaseke, leading a beekeeping training session at the PCI training center in Bufumbo, Mbale.

MRF – Human Rights Film Festival

The MRF Human Rights Film Festival is an annual event in western Sweden. Each screening is followed by a lecture/discussion with filmmakers, researchers, journalists, public debaters, and human rights experts. The primary audience is school youth, who can attend for free. The festival dates were November 20-24, 2023.

This year, with support from the Rights Now Foundation, we held a total of nine screenings focused on women’s rights, followed by lectures and discussions. We showcased five films about gender equality, focusing on women refugees. Two of the films, “Exodus” and “Dogborn,” depicted the situation for refugee women/girls, while “De ostyriga” looks at gender equality from a historical perspective, the Algerian film “Houria,” and finally, “She Said” which portrays part of the #metoo movement’s inception. These screenings were attended by approximately 1021 people.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

The Good Talents – Talent Network

The Project Talent Network has not only provided practical knowledge but also opportunities for personal development and networking through various workshops, including job and study workshops, leadership training, and storytelling sessions. The results indicate increased self-esteem, greater knowledge of opportunities, and reduced feelings of social exclusion among participants.

The Good Talents looks forward to continuing its work to promote the potential of young people and create long-term changes in society. The Good Talents would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to the Rights Now Foundation for your support and funding of our project, the Talent Network. Your trust and commitment have been crucial in making this initiative possible and successful.

Your support has not only given young women tools and opportunities to thrive but has also contributed to creating a positive impact on society by promoting equality, diversity, and reducing social exclusion.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

Right By Me – Girls Right to Talk

The “Girls’ Right to Talk” project conducted by Right By Me focused on empowering young girls with foreign backgrounds, aged 13 to 24, to increase their participation and voice in Swedish society. This was achieved through a combination of capacity-building activities, participation in public forums, and collaboration with companies and policymakers. The efforts aimed to improve the girls’ self-esteem, self-efficacy, employability, and sense of community.

The project reported successes in increased participation in societal debates, improved representation in various contexts, and strengthened individual capacities of the participants. Through its activities, the project contributed to promoting gender equality and participation, highlighting the importance of targeted efforts to give young girls with foreign backgrounds a stronger voice and place in society.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

Films to promote social sustainability and to increase the awareness of human rights, Sweden

The organization ARF, Film and Culture for Human Rights, works to make Sweden more socially sustainable.

ARF reaches out to school children and the public through films on relevant themes, always accompanied by dialogue and discussions after the film sessions. The films which are shown by ARF highlight themes such as racism, social justice, minorities, democracy, housing and ethnic segregation.

During 2020, a total of nearly two thousand persons – pupils, teachers and others – participated in the activities arranged by ARF, according to the project report. This was made possible in part thanks to the grant from the Rights Now foundation.

Math education to villagers and farmers, Togo

The organization ALEF, Adult Learning and Empowerment Facilitators, supports people living in poverty by education and training.

The grant from the Rights Now foundation was used to provide math lessons for people in villages in Togo in Africa. 70 study groups were formed at the village level for the purpose of learning math and discussing related matters. During 2020, a total of 1 400 persons between 15 to 40 years of age participated in the study groups. 74 percent of the participants were women.

According to ALEF, basic skills in mathematics are of great value to the people – in order to better run their agriculture farms and increase harvests. Knowledge in math has the potential to generate better income opportunities, and can thus be empowering and eventually lead to reduced poverty.

Support to adolescent refugees at risk, Sweden

The organization FARR provides support to refugees arriving in Sweden. The grant from the Rights Now foundation was used for the benefit of adolescents arriving alone to the country, without any family members or relatives. They in particular have been shown to face difficulties and risks. FARR offered them advise and information about their rights, about the asylum process and how the legal system works.