The Rights Now foundation welcomes applications from July 1th each year. The last day for sending in an application is 30th of September. (We do not receive applications between 1th of October and 30th of June.)
The Rights Now foundation provides financial support to non-profit organizations worldwide which implement projects, activities and actions that promote human rights, improved living conditions and opportunities for individuals and groups in society facing vulnerable situations. We promote socially sustainable communities and societies which are healthy, equitable, diverse and democratic. The projects and activities we support always include an educational and training component, to build people´s knowledge and capacity.
Through partnerships and targeted financial support we want to help bring humans out of their vulnerable situations. The Rights Now foundation supports efforts that:
The Rights Now foundation primarily supports non-profit and non-governmental civil society organizations. However, other actors as for example university institutions may also apply for grant funding.
The Rights Now foundation only support organizations with an annual revenue of maximum 600 000 USD, corresponding to a maximum of
5 000 000 Swedish crowns (svenska kronor).
Last year we granted a total of 550 000 Swedish crowns to the following organizations; Föreningen Indra, Jesus loves HBTQ, Pingvīni, Baltic Drag King festival 2024 and FARR.
We welcome applicants that actively involve the target group/s and that apart from project activities are engaged in advocacy and dialogue.
In order to receive support from the Rights Now foundation the applicant organisation must acknowledge democratic values and human rights. It must further recognize, respect and promote transparency, accountability, participation and influence, equality, tolerance and respect.
The Rights Now foundation is based in Sweden but supports organizations and projects all over the world.
Rights Now does NOT channel funds to: private enterprises, individuals, governmental agencies.
In order to become a beneficiary of Rights Now foundation, each organization must be able to present a clear project proposal – including a strategy, a plan and a budget related specifically to the funds expected from the Rights Now foundation. How the funds from the Rights Now foundation are to be used must be clearly presented in the application for funding.
We also request that the organization presents a plan for how the monitoring and evaluation of the project to be funded by Rights Now foundation will be carried out by the organization itself.
Upon completion of the project the organization shall send a brief project report to Rights Now foundation, including a summary and a description of how the funds were allocated and used, which activities were implemented and which results were achieved. Any deviations from the original project plan should also be mentioned and explained.
Organizations which wish to apply for further funding should note that in order for Rights Now foundation to consider any future applications a report from the previously funded project must have been sent in to the foundation for review at the end of the project.
In order to apply for funding, please fill in the form. Use the link which will be available only during the application period 1 July – 30 September. (Please note that revisions of the form may take place in between.)
For the application to be processed, please do not forget to describe how your planned project or activity relates to the Rights Now foundation´s theme of the year, which is presented on this website ahead of the application deadline.
In the application, please state clearly:
Please also note that all applicants that have received grants before must have sent in completion reports for the previous project/s for any new application to be considered by the foundation.
The Rights Now foundation has limited capacity to answer questions related to applications, the application process and grants. Please use the provided FAQ, including answers to frequent questions. View our FAQ.
We also encourage you to read about previous projects and organizations supported, which are presented on this website. We hope you will get an understanding of our criteria, how we prioritize and select projects for funding.
Applicants will be informed about the Rights Now foundation’s final decision regarding grant funding in January/February each year. All applicants will receive an email from us, no matter if a grant has been approved or not.
Applicants which are to receive a grant will need to sign a grant letter stating the basic conditions for our grants. The letter needs to be signed and returned to the Rights Now foundation for any grants to be transferred to the organization and project.
Grants can be transferred to the organization at the earliest in February each year. Delays may be avoided by submitting all the requested information in the application form, as well as the correct contact details (name of the organization, name of the person responsible for the project, email address, telephone number, possible social media sites).
We would also like to share the following information, on how the Rights Now foundation handles personal data:
Information about how Rights Now handles my personal data (integrity policy). View in our FAQ.
The application period begins 1th of July.
We provide grants and financial support
We look forward to your project proposal and application!