Rights Now Foundation

The Board

This is the Board for the Rights Now foundation:

Chairman: Janna Hellerup Ulvselius

Jonas Wihlstrand

Ellen Almgren

Gunilla Bergh

Vera Holm

Henry Muyingo

Camilla Sahibzada

Maria Tegin

Alternate members of the board: Viveka Bergh, Kristian Ängeby, Annelie Drewsen

Administrative support: Evelina Lindkvist

We are all committed to create a world where all humans have rights and opportunities.

Contact us by sending an email to: foundation@rightsnow.se

The Board

The board of the Rights Now foundation currently consists of eight members (and in addition, three alternate members).

All members contribute with their specific knowledge and experience, from areas such as social work, education, health, scientific research, writing, international development, bank and finance, management, administration and organization.