Rights Now Foundation

MRF – Human Rights Film Festival

The MRF Human Rights Film Festival is an annual event in western Sweden. Each screening is followed by a lecture/discussion with filmmakers, researchers, journalists, public debaters, and human rights experts. The primary audience is school youth, who can attend for free. The festival dates were November 20-24, 2023.

This year, with support from the Rights Now Foundation, we held a total of nine screenings focused on women’s rights, followed by lectures and discussions. We showcased five films about gender equality, focusing on women refugees. Two of the films, “Exodus” and “Dogborn,” depicted the situation for refugee women/girls, while “De ostyriga” looks at gender equality from a historical perspective, the Algerian film “Houria,” and finally, “She Said” which portrays part of the #metoo movement’s inception. These screenings were attended by approximately 1021 people.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

The Good Talents – Talent Network

The Project Talent Network has not only provided practical knowledge but also opportunities for personal development and networking through various workshops, including job and study workshops, leadership training, and storytelling sessions. The results indicate increased self-esteem, greater knowledge of opportunities, and reduced feelings of social exclusion among participants.

The Good Talents looks forward to continuing its work to promote the potential of young people and create long-term changes in society. The Good Talents would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to the Rights Now Foundation for your support and funding of our project, the Talent Network. Your trust and commitment have been crucial in making this initiative possible and successful.

Your support has not only given young women tools and opportunities to thrive but has also contributed to creating a positive impact on society by promoting equality, diversity, and reducing social exclusion.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees

Right By Me – Girls Right to Talk

The “Girls’ Right to Talk” project conducted by Right By Me focused on empowering young girls with foreign backgrounds, aged 13 to 24, to increase their participation and voice in Swedish society. This was achieved through a combination of capacity-building activities, participation in public forums, and collaboration with companies and policymakers. The efforts aimed to improve the girls’ self-esteem, self-efficacy, employability, and sense of community.

The project reported successes in increased participation in societal debates, improved representation in various contexts, and strengthened individual capacities of the participants. Through its activities, the project contributed to promoting gender equality and participation, highlighting the importance of targeted efforts to give young girls with foreign backgrounds a stronger voice and place in society.

Application Year 2023 – Theme: Women and girl refugees